Article short contents

Slovenska pediatrija 2018; 25: 308-313

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Review article


K. Vincek
Otroški oddelek, Klinika za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija

J. Brecelj
Klinični oddelek za gastroenterologijo, hepatologijo in nutricionistiko, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana in Katedra za pediatrijo, Medicinska fakulteta Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija


Doctors Without Borders is an international humanitarian non-governmental organisation, which has provided medical assistance to people in distress since 1971. The organisation consists of five operational centres, which assist with various medical programmes in more than 70 countries around the world. The paper presents the experience of two Slovenian paediatricians who provided assistance in South Sudan in two different hospitals administered by two different operational centres. The world’s youngest country is briefly presented as well as the characteristics of the people living there. Differences in the approach to dark-skinned children and tropical diseases not present in our country are outlined. On the other hand, many medical conditions in the tropics are the same as those seen here. Treatment of neonates is a great challenge. Due to a large number of unvaccinated inhabitants, Doctors Without Borders, together with other non-governmental organisations, also organise large-scale vaccination campaigns.

Key words: volunteering, tropical diseases, neglected diseases, South Sudan.